HISTORY - 1866 to Present
During the year of 1866, a group of dedicated Christians located in Como, North Carolina organized Mill Neck Baptist Church under the leadership of Reverend William Reid. He served as the Pastor for 57 years from 1866 to 1923.
On September 24, 1866, the land where the Church building stands was deeded by Mr. Julian Picot to trustees Abraham Vann, Robert Hart, and James Darden. A number of dedicated men and women through their sacrifices built the Church. Through unfortunate circumstances, the building was destroyed by a fire. The members accepted the challenge to rebuild and erected another building with periodic additions until the present structure was completed in 1981. Many dedicated families served faithfully in the Work of the Kingdom and laid the foundation of this Church. Among them are the Vann’s , the Darden’s, the Harts, the Myrick’s, the Coopers, the Britt’s, the Graves, the Picots, the Taylor’s, the Riddick’s, and the Jones’. Many of these Christians have gone to their reward, however, their memory is still with us and they have influenced many who are continually giving themselves in the service of the Lord.
In 1923, we called Dr. C.S. Brown as our next Pastor who served faithfully for 10 years. He made many valuable improvements until he resigned in 1934 due to health reasons and other pressing obligations.
In 1934, we called Reverend Dr. Mitchell as our third Pastor who served faithfully for 47 years until 1986. During his tenure, his first project was to pay off the indebtedness of the Church building. Next we completed classrooms, the choir/choir rooms, the Pastor’s Study, purchased new furniture including pews, chairs for the choir, a new piano and carpet. A heating system was installed, electricity, running water, rest rooms, lounge, conference room for the women, and an officer’s room.
The method of giving was established that each Member would give according to the way the Lord has blessed them. 15% of the tithes and offerings given in regular services would be designated to Christian Missions (State Missions, Foreign Missions, Shaw University, Central Orphanage (the causes of the General Baptist State Convention), Christian Education and Benevolence, and the needy at home.
The Church adopted the slogan “The Church with the Christian Family Spirit,” and entered the new building for the first service on the second Sunday in April 1981 and a formal dedication along with the Churches 115th Anniversary was held on the second Sunday in August 1981. The Church also installed an inside baptistery.
Two sons of the Church made outstanding contributions in the Lord’s service: the late Rev. Dr. W.C. Somerville, Executive Secretary of the Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention and the late Rev. Dr. Early A. Parham. The late Rev. James A. Felton served as an Assistant to Pastor Mitchell. Rev. Roger C. Myrick, Jr. assisted at Mill Neck and other Churches in the area. Rev. Theodore Myrick Jr. served as a Pastor in Portsmouth, Virginia.
In 1990 we called the Rev. Jerry Boone to be our Interim Pastor. During his tenure he initiated and promoted the purchase of a complete sound system and a Kimball console piano. He served as Interim Pastor until his resignation in the late 1990’s.
In 1991, the Rev. James L. Barnes was called to be our Pastor and he served until 1994.
Our next Pastor was Rev. Alvin Knight. During his tenure, he helped to make many improvements to the physical structure of the Church. We completed renovated and re-constructed our Church offices, educational building and the kitchen. He resigned due to his failing health.
Rev. Robert Horton was called as our Interim Pastor and he served faithfully until 2002.
In 2003, the Rev. Cory Benson was called to be our Pastor. He served faithfully until 2004.
In 2006, the Rev. Melvin Wilson was installed as our Pastor. He and his wife Minister Jeanette Wilson served for 10 years. Under his leadership Pastor Wilson ordained two deacons and installed four ministers. He instructed great Bible study lessons and wonderful praise and worship. The Church underwent several renovations. The Sanctuary, new lighting and flooring, installation of the Media Center, Sound System, and T.V./Monitors. On April 21, 2016, the Lord called our beloved Pastor home. He served faithfully and loved his Church family. We will never forget Him.
In 2016, the church called the Rev. Darrell T. Partlow as our Interim Pastor. Under his leadership we have reinstituted the Spirit of Unity, the Mandate of the Great Commission & Outreach through various means of Ministry (Vacation Bible School, Community Nursing Homes, Thanksgiving/Christmas Outreach opportunities, upgraded the technology for the Finance Ministry; Re-established Partnerships/Ministry opportunities with local Churches, Women’s Ministry, Bible Study, created a Church Webpage and future Ministries: Children’s Church and Performing Arts.
On April 7, 2018 the Mill Neck Church family installed Darrell T. Partlow as our 10th Pastor.
We praise God for our Rich Heritage of 152 years – TO GOD BE THE GLORY FOR THE GREAT THINGS HE HAS DONE!